Welcome to Week 8 of the 11th Annual UP Fall Color Report brought to you by me, Yooper Steve of FunintheUP.com. I have been providing U.P. Fall Color Reports since 2014 here on FunintheUP, Thanks for stopping by and reading the report.
NOTE: What you see below is what the Full Detailed Report is like each week.
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Peak color will be later than most expect. Dry and warm weather continue.
Overall color change across the UP - 10-30%
Driving stats for Week 8
Week 8 : 650 Miles driven: - 44 gal of gas
Weeks 1-8: 4445 Miles driven - 296 gal of gas
2 oil changes Wk 1 and Wk8
Fall Color and Waterfall Tours with Yooper Steve -
UpperPeninsulaTours.com - fall colors hikes/rides, big views, waterfalls, historic sites.
Fall Color Guided Tours with Yooper Steve -
UpperPeninsulaTours.com - fall colors, big views, waterfalls, historic sites.
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Overall Color Change 25%-50%
Not a lot of color change overall. There is a ton of green yet but there is also plenty of color to be seen. It is an interesting fall, one that isn’t following the typical color change patterns of a fall season here across the Upper Peninsula, blame the weather eh.
Color progression was minimal in most areas with 5% on the low end and another 10% on the high end. We just haven’t gotten the type of weather we need for the colors to start really popping. A few days this weekend and into Monday we had ideal fall temps of upper 60s and low 70s in the day and dropping down into the lower 40s at night in some places. This is what we need, cool nights and slightly warm and overcast days and a little sunshine thrown in for good measure.
I have noticed an uptick of visitors to places like Lake of the Clouds this last week from the previous week to check on the views and more people stopping along the roadways taking fall color pictures of a few reds that are popping up slowly. I think a lot of people that are up now are those who just had those days off work, who are visiting friends and family, or even on a business trip and decided to go sightseeing. The real leaf peepers like yourselves won’t be arriving until that color gets to 70-80% color at least and ideally hitting the color during peak.
Peak Color Predictions
I have adjusted the peak color dates for some areas slightly (pushed back a little from last week update). This warmer weather just doesn’t want to leave us yet, this is not good. In the paid members section I give you the dates when color should be 80% to peak color. Color can vary as close as a few miles from one area to the next as much as 40% variance. Become a paid subscriber to access the full detailed U.P. Fall Color Report, SAVE 20% with my special offer.
Not only do you get the U.P. Fall Color Report you’ll also have access to the Daily U.P. Snow fall totals (over 70 snowfall locations) and reports all winter and other special posts.
NOTE: Just to let you know my dates for 80% to peak color are a shot in the dark for this season, it’s been one weird color season, this dry and lack of rainfall has really put a stick in my bike spokes this year. I try to do the best report as I can every fall season but this season has been pretty difficult to get a good handle on when that color will hit peak. I think I am pretty spot on most seasons, and like I tell you all the time in these updates color might be fading in one area and down the road a little way it might be great. It only takes a little bit of cool weather to get those colors to pop and a little wind and rain to change the look of fall overnight.
Western U.P. and Keweenaw - 25%-50%
Counties: Keweenaw-Houghton-Baraga-Ontonagon-Gogebic-Iron
North of Houghton and Hancock color is starting to be really noticeable, there aren’t many roads that you don’t see some reds and oranges with a few patches of decent color. Tree top views are starting to fill in with yellow hues especially on the higher elevations and cooler valleys from Copper Harbor to Calumet.
Some decent reds starting to show up on Central road and the backroads further up into the Keweenaw.
Traprock valley isn’t to colorful yet but those yellow hues are really starting to show up with some occasional reds and brighter oranges along the roadways.
Lake Linden to Hancock there’s some dull reds popping up but no good patches of color yet.
Painesdale to the Firesteel rivers color is best from Painesdale to the county line on M26. This area is one of the first to hit peak, but color is pretty dull with some occasional good bright reds around wetlands. The maples in the Donken swamps are not as bright as previous years and most of them are mostly red now and some are even loosing leaves already.
Dry and dull oranges along US41 from Chassell to Keweenaw Bay, but you may find some brighter color further interior near Pelkie near areas of Tapiola and Otter Lake.
L’Anse to Alberta wasn’t much to see just dull color, it wasn’t until around Canyon falls where you could see the colors filling in, but around 5% leaf loss already. This is another area which goes peak the fastest.
Areas off Arvon road to Mt Arvon and the Rock cut had a lot of green surprisingly but there were some decent reds seen, but still a ways to go, by this coming weekend it should start filling in.
US41 from Convington jct to Craig Lake State park entrance had a lot of color already, bit more than I had anticipated from the previous week I passed by through. This stretch is now starting to get some leaf loss as well and the reds are starting to fade a little, hoping for a good last push of the reds along this drive before peak hits.
From Covington Jct to Sidnaw there was a lot of green but a good portion of the trees now had mostly yellow hues which is a good sign for the coming week.
Taking US141 south to Amasa there were a good portion of the trees with color, some patchy color though, but you can see it isn’t far away until peak hits, give it a week and Covington to Crystal falls will starting getting to be a nice colorful drive.
Bruce Crossing to O kun de Kun falls has a lot of poplar that are starting to turn yellow, birch leaves are getting that yellow now and some occasional splashes of red or oranges along the fields if you look closely. From O Kun de Kun falls to Mass City the color is pretty dull with not many reds yet.
Greenland to the Porkies is a pretty green drive, but I can see that things are starting to turn now, most yellow along this stretch, best colors are after Ontonagon to the Porkies.
Porkies views at Lake of the Clouds are a good 7-10 days out for decent color but interior portions of the Porkies from Summit peak to Presque Isle River might start popping by the weekend. Best color at Lake of the Clouds should be from Oct 5th to the 10th, but don’t expect a lot of bright color this year as it has been pretty dry out this way. If you want those reds you’ll need to go take in the views from the overlook and tower at Summit Peak, a short 0.5mile walk and just shy of 200 stairs will give you the best views in the Porkies and one of the best in the western UP.
Wakefield area to Ironwood the yellows are starting to really show up but still a good amount of green yet. Views on the higher hills and along the rivers, lakes, and marshes are showing some reds with some oranges.
Copper Peak views are now getting better but still yet to see some really good red or orange patchy spots, mostly yellow on the tree tops, after this weekend through peak will be good time to take in the views if you’re seeking the best views in the Western UP.
Atop Wolf Mountain there was a lot of color being seen but nothing to bright, and yet still plenty of green yet to change. You could see some patchy areas which give some insight of when color should start getting good across the Gogebic range. The drive on US2 from Watersmeet to Lake Gogebic has some oranges and reds, some decent patches around Old US2, but the further west you go towards Lake Gogebic and Marinesco all the way to Wakefield color gets better.
Color around Bond falls isn’t much now, lots of green with some occasional reds, that is the case all the way up Calderwood to M28 outside of Trout creek.
Central U.P. - 20%-50%
Counties: Marquette-Menominee-Dickinson-Delta-Alger
Marquette area in the lower elevations there is a lot of green yet although you are starting to see some patchy colors popping up around the city and just outside the city near the ski hill and near Harvey. Views from Mount Marquette aren’t the best for color yet, in another week you really should start seeing it start to pop.
County roads 510 and 550 are coming along nicely plenty of oranges, yellows, and nice reds have been popping up the last couple weeks, these drives are some of the best in the U.P. for color right now and will be through peak.
Far western Marquette county off US41 wasn’t all that good for color yet going all the way to Michigamme but of course further out in the western and northern portions of the county you’ll see more color, depending on where you’re at 25-50% color right now.
South of Harvey to Trenary there are some reds starting to show up and still plenty of green yet to change but there’s many trees now sporting that yellow hue.
Co Rd 480 from Cherry Creek road to Negaunee is fairly colorful for some but most leaf peepers won’t find it a good drive right now, another week should be getting decent. Forget the drive from Crossroads to Gwinn on 553 it’s pretty dull right now.
M35 from US41 down to Gwinn has some nice reds popping up and good oranges, but still a lot of green that needs to change, but pretty dry like most places.
Iron Mountain area has color but still pretty green from the views at Millie hill. The drive from Iron Mountain to Sagola isn’t to bad but still a lot of green, but there’s some patchy areas, continue heading north to US41 for more color.
The drive from Randville to Escanaba n Hwy 69 is showing signs of fall with some sporadic patchy areas of reds and oranges but pretty dull color for the most part, probably a good 2 weeks before it really is good.
Down in Menominee county you’ll find the color a bit dull but there are patchy areas showing up. Look for color near the lakes and rivers and take the backroads to find the brighter colors right now.
The whole drive on M35 from Menominee to Escanaba is pretty green along the lake areas with a bit more color just inland should you decide to venture off for a ride.
Further north you get out of Gladstone and Rapid River you’ll see more color. There are some decent reds popping up now into the Hiawatha National Forest.
Munising area proper has some color showing up but its in the higher elevations and to the south and south east where more reds are showing up.
Hwhy 94 from Munising to Chatham is getting pretty colorful but still pretty patchy, another week it should start being a decent color drive.
Wetmore to Shingleton has some bright reds but plenty of green yet, some oranges starting to show, keep heading east along M28 towards Seney for more color.
Pictured Rocks area along the lake is really green still, views from kayaks and boats is always awesome but if it’s color you see head into the interior Pictured Rocks for a hike. H58 is a fun road to drive but color isn’t really popping yet.
Eastern U.P. 20%-40%
Counties: Schoolcraft-Luce-Chippewa-Mackinac
Still pretty green out east but there are certainly areas of patchy color popping up around Tahquamenon falls river and the Cut River bridge.
Areas along US2 especially close by the lake still green but there are hints of yellow now with some occasional reds and oranges. Further interior near Brevort lake and Trout lake you’ll find more color from Allenville to Trout Lake on 123.
Some color starting to pop up on the drive from Seney to US2 especially south of Germfask. Some patches of color by Eckerman and Strongsand even heading a bit north until you get to the lake along 123.
Interstate 75 from the Soo to St. Ignace has some decent reds popping up but still a lot of color change to happen yet, just head a bit west of I75 for more color right now even some places just outside of Cedarville to the east are showing some signs of fall now.
Fall on Mackinac Island and Drummond runs about a week behind the main interior portions of Chippewa and Mackinac counties so keep that in mind if you’re heading there for the colors. This year it could be a little closer because of the weird late fall and lack of rain, but usually about 2nd week of October for peak to hit the islands.
I provide this Fall Color Report because I want to give people the best info out there which will help in seeing some of the most gorgeous fall colors in the United States.
Thanks for reading and I hope this year you’ll be able to see some amazing fall colors. I’m looking forward to seeing some of you on a
Guided UP Fall Color Tour or Yooper Rock hunting tour before the snow starts flying.
For the Full Detailed Regional Week 9 (Sept 21-28th) U.P. Fall Color Report please consider becoming a paid subscriber which helps support my weekly travels in the fall. The 11th Annual U.P. Fall Color Report is the best color report you’ll find anywhere. News stations, tourism agencies, photographers, and tourists read the Yooper Report for U.P. Fall Color changes each week.
Yooper Report, UP Fall Color Report on Substack - You will also have access to the Daily U.P. Snowfall Totals.

Above: Porcupine Mountains Lake of the Clouds 9.21

Above: Porcupine Mountains Lake of the Clouds 9.21

Above: Porcupine Mountains 9.21

Above: Porcupine Mountains 9.21

Above: Central Road Keweenaw 9.22

Above: US41 Covered Rd on way to Copper Harbor 9.22

Above: US41 Covered Rd on way to Copper Harbor 9.22
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Yooper Steve - U.P. Tour Guide::Photographer::Filmmaker
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