2017 Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report
This is the 4th year running for the FunintheUP.com fall color report. This is the most accurate and up to date information on the fall colors you will find. We travel the roads across the UP weekly and use our vast number of contacts for this report. Don't miss the colors, bookmark our page, and stay tuned for the lastest developments in the color, they could change quickly and you could come to early or come to late and that wouldn't be fun. Thanks for following, enjoy your day!
Share your Fall Color Photos with us! Email to us fallcolors @ funintheup.comTag us #funintheup on FunintheUP Twitter or funintheUP Instagram page
or you can message on FunintheUP facebook page
- Steve Jurmu - U.P. Adventure Guide
First hint of fall color change that we reported was on Sunday July 23rd. Actually a little later than the last few years reports. See video below.
I try to update weekly report on Monday or Tuesday afternoon. You can read each weeks report below.
Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4 - Week 5 - Week 6
Week 7 - Week 8 - Week 9 - Week 10 - Week 11 - Week 12
Past Years Color Reports:
Fall color report 2016 - Fall color report 2015 - Fall color report 2014
July 23rd, 2017 - First fall colors reported for season.
Week 1 - July 23rd - July 29th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
A few trees have been spotted with color change around in the upper regions of the Upper Peninsula. Twin Lakes, off US41 in the Keweenaw, along US41 towards L'Anse, and a few other places. You'll notice many leaves with a lighter hue of yellow changing from green and that is the change into fall few notice, it is the beginning of color season. Usually our reports last about 10 total weeks of fall color reports. It is about week 4/5 when people really start to notice the leaves changing color. There are also leaves changing colors due to diseased trees, broken branches or limbs from trees which also causes early color. For most people they won't notice the colors changing in mid July to early August because there is always lots of green yet and people don't want to believe that fall is upon us. We always like our summers as long as possible because of our long extended winters here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We will notice more color change next week.
Week 2 - July 30th - Aug 5th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
This past week we have seen a few more trees changing color. It is more noticable now. Our travels this week have been around Houghton/Baraga/Keweenaw/Ontonagon Counties and each county has a fair number of trees with leaves changing now. We have also gotten reports from almost every county in the UP with some a few fall colors being seen. We have gotten a couple nights into the low 50s and upper 40s and have gotten dew a few evenings also. Fall is in the air but so is summer, the weather has been amazing the last week in half. August as we always say is one of the most beautiful months to visit for fair weather and little rain. Fall is coming, each week you will notice more and more leaves changing. Stay tuned for next weeks update! Please share this information with anyone you might know who is interested in fall colors in the U.P. of Michigan.

Week 3 - Aug 6th - Aug 12th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
I have noticed a few more trees this week with color, some are even with 20% color, however that is a select few. There are quite a few maples with hints of yellow appearing so you can see the changes, the trees are sensing changes and know that fall is close.
NOTE: Color change is not early this year, you will always see color changing in early August up here, most people barely notice, I myself have watched it for over 30 years, for the past 4 years have reported it to you in the fall color reports. There will always be some people that do not believe color could change this early, based on the comments on last weeks video report. There are many who are listening to the climate change wackiness and think the U.P. is under some extreme heat wave which is causing our trees to show color early, also there are even some who are claiming that the exhaust fumes from the vehicles on the roads is causing the leaves to change colors. Trees along open fields, along roadsides, higher on hilltops, standing alone in yards, may show signs of color change earlier than those deep in the thick forests. Some soil may be drier in these areas as more sunlight can reach the soil and dry it up faster, add in some cooler nights and things can change more quickly along these areas. The inner areas of the forests can stay cooler and more moist which will allow for the trees to produce chlorophyll longer. It is true some trees can be affected by insects, heat (we saw it in 2015, tree leaves burned up and not much vibrant color), lack of nitrogen, stress from less than ideal soil, broken limbs, damage to bark, and other influences that can affect color change earlier than other trees. Each tree is affected differently and has it's own timetable for shutting down.
Don't worry the colors aren't hitting peak this week or next week, there is still some summer left, the colors changing are just natures way of letting us know to prepare for the winter season that comes so quickly here in the Upper Peninsula.
Thanks for following the U.P. Fall Color Report weekly through the fall color season, and be sure to share your reports or pictures through any of our social media pages.
---Western UP ---
Highway M28 from Covington Jct to Bruce Crossing, very few trees have any color, you can notice trees with hues of yellow appearing more this week, but very very few trees with even any red or orange leaves. From Bruce Crossing to Wakefield to Ironwood is the same as the Covington to Bruce Crossing report. Anywhere along US2 from Marinesco to Ironwood a few trees are showing hints of yellows. From Mass City to Ontonagon there is nothing significant to report. Anywhere near Victoria Dam and Rockland is the same. Porcupine Mountains has virtually not color change, a few yellows were spotted last week on some birch, and occasional orange starting to appear along South Boundary Road.
---Northern UP---
Calumet to Copper Harbor nothing significant to really notice, but there were more trees with an occassional orange and lots with hints of yellow this week along US41. Along US41 from MTU to the Portage Lake Golf Course there are a few trees with some oranges and tints of red and plenty with yellow hues. From the Portage Lake Golf Course to Chassell a few trees are starting to show some yellows. US41 from Chassell to Baraga there are trees with yellow hues developing. Baraga to Covington Jct on US41 there isn't to much change, expect some color next week to start appearing. Most of the color I have noticed anywhere in the U.P. has been along M26 from Painesdale to Twin Lakes, especially from Painesdale to Toivola, you can't help but notice the reds and oranges starting to appear watch the video report. Areas from Hancock to Lake Linden there are a few trees with some orange and reds enough that you notice now. Anywhere along the Lake Superior shoreline from Jacobsville to Bete Gris is about the same as the upper Keweenaw area, almost nothing, a few yellow hues here and there, didn't spot any color last week that was significant yet.
---Central UP---
Nothing significant to report in Marquette and Alger Counties. Expect some color this week, although if it rains it could set any color progress back.
---Eastern UP---
Nothing significant to report in the eastern U.P. at this time. Expect some color this week, although if it rains it could set any color progress back.
---Southern UP---
Nothing significant to report in the southern U.P. at this time. Expect some color this week, although if it rains it could set any color progress back.
Week 4 - Aug 13th - Aug 19th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
This week we are really starting to see the colors starting around much of the Upper Peninsula, color change is about 1.5 weeks behind right now compared to this time last year. Fall colors in the Upper Peninsula are some of the best in the country, so if you haven't ever made fall color season in the U.P. we encourage you to visit. You can watch our reports weekly to know when is the best time for the area you are wanting to visit to see some amazing colors. All indications of progression so far are that this will be an amazing color season based on our drives around the Upper Peninsula multiple times a week to check on colors. Keep sending us your reports of where you see the colors changing, the location, and if you are seeing reds, oranges, etc, we appreciate it to help our color reports be the most in depth as they can be.

Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 0% color
This year we will be adding information on color change on both Mackinac Island and Drummond Island. These islands run about 3 weeks behind what the mainland of the Upper Peninsula does for fall color change.
The color on the islands hasn't started yet, perhaps next week we might start seeing some color change.
---Western UP --- about 3% color
Highway M28 from Covington Jct to Bruce Crossing, very few trees have any color but from last week more are being noticed. From Bruce Crossing to Wakefield to Ironwood we are seeing more colors starting to appear, some reds and oranges now around on US2 from Wakefield to Ironwood and also around the ski hills in the area. Areas along Black River Road have begun to change this week, and also around the airport some reds and oranges are being seen. Co Road 519 from South Boundary Road to Wakefield there are a handful of trees that are changing color, a few reds, oranges, and yellow hues. Along US2 from Marinesco to Ironwood a few more trees are showing hints of yellows with some reds and oranges on the backrods this week. From Mass City to Ontonagon there is still nothing significant to report. Victoria Dam and Rockland areas now have a little color appearing, driving down Victoria Rd we noticed some red and oranges. In the Porcupine Mountains aren't seeing much color change yet, occasional red or orange along South Boundary Road and along some trails in the inner park. The Porkies are always a popular spot to check out the fall colors, but you should drive along the South Boundary Road to Presque Isle River and also stop at Summit Peak. Lake of the Clouds and Summit Peak are some of the best views in the Midwest. Another great place to view fall colors if not our favorite spot in the US is at Copper Peak Ski Jump.
---Northern UP---about 3%-5% color
Calumet to Copper Harbor along US41 there are more trees with color change, the drive is still very green, although now you will notice many trees with yellow developing in the leaves, it won't be but a few cold snaps that you will really notice some color appearing. Traveling from Bete Gris to Gay we saw little color this week, you really had to look hard, but this week we should see more for next weeks report. Along US41 from Houghton to Chassell we saw more trees with reds and oranges. US41 from Chassell to Baraga still not a lot of color change but you are noticing more trees now with especially around the 4 lanes outside Keweenaw Bay community. There is a fair amount of color change now along Skanee Road from L'Anse to Big Ericks bridge. Baraga to Covington Jct on US41 there are trees now showing color change especially at 1400-1500 feet in elevation from Baraga Plains Road to Covington Jct this is one area which comes quickly and leaves quickly, the hills around Canyon Falls usually has spectacular color. While you are in the area why not stop at Canyon Falls, Bocco Falls, Ogemaw Falls, Plumbago Falls, or Taylor Creek Falls. Traveling along M26 from Houghton to Mass City has some nice color developing, especially from Painesdale to the Houghton/Ontonagon county border, this stretch of road is some of the best colors in the entire U.P. so you must take this drive for your fall color views. From Hancock to Lake Linden you will see some colors developing nicely, especially from Ripley to Dollar Bay. The shorelines along Lake Superior from Bootjack, White City, Jacobsville has a few trees here and there with color. Big Traverse and Rice lake areas have some trees now starting to change, a lot of yellow hues like most of the U.P. does.
---Central UP---about 3% color
US41 from Covington Jct to Marquette has little color, but most people are now noticing the trees changing by now. You are seeing some color around Michigamme and very little from Ishpeming to Marquette. Taking 550 north to Big Bay we noticed a fair amount of color change from two weeks ago. Along Co. Road 510 we noticed very little color, a tree here and there was about it. Traveling down scenic highway M28 from Marquette to Munising you aren't seeing much for color change this week. Highway 95 south to Sagola we noticed very little color, was expecting a bit more, maybe next week if things cool down. If you were driving down US41 from Marquette to Trenary you probably noticed a fair amount of colors along the way, it won't be long and you'll be seeing a good amount. Highway 94 to Munising we saw more trees changing than on Hwy 95, this is usually a very nice drive for color.
---Eastern UP---about 1% color
There are some reds developing along the Seney Stretch on M28 and some nice color starting along Hwy 77 south to Blaney Park. From Seney to Newberry you will notice a few reds, and yellows appearing this week, also reports of some color starting to appear around Tahquamenon river at the mouth and also in the Paradise area up to Whitefish Point. You should start seeing a little color from Seney to Grand Marais and H-58 to Munising, one of my favorite drives in the U.P. with so many scenic views along the way. From Newberry to the far eastern UP, not much color is being seen yet. Along US2 from Blaney Park to the Mackinac Bridge there are some nice colors being seen, some good reds starting around the Cut River Bridge.
---Southern UP---about 0% color
Not a lot to report this week in the southern UP. This week some color was starting to be seen around Iron River along US2 and Hwy 189 south. There are a few colors being reported around Crystal Falls as well.
Week 5 - Aug 20th - Aug 26th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
Well this week people are really talking about the color changes they see, usually it is about the end of August when we start getting a few colder evenings and days. Almost all areas in the U.P. now have some color appearing off the main roads and backcountry roads. If we get some cooler evenings this coming week you will see colors change a lot. There are areas which go from 100% yellowing leaves to peak color in two to three weeks and others which takes 5 weeks. It is important that if you are seeking to know the prime time color for your area of interest you need to check weekly on our page for the most comprehensive fall color report on the Upper Peninsula.
Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 0% color
This year we will be adding information on color change on both Mackinac Island and Drummond Island. These islands run about 3 weeks behind what the mainland of the Upper Peninsula does for fall color change.
---Western UP --- about 5-7% color
Highway M28 from Covington Jct to Bruce Crossing has more color than last week which was almost nothing. This year along this stretch of road should be better than last year. You have to stop at Jumbo Falls, Bond Falls, and Agate Falls if you are driving this stretch of road. The drive from Bruce Crossing to Wakefield is getting better, most of the color you'll see along this stretch is around the marshy areas along this stetch of road. From Wakefield to Ironwood there are some nice reds and oranges starting. Some great areas of view the colors are at the ski hills. Driving on Black River Road you'll see more color change this week from last week which was just starting. Trees around the airport have some reds and oranges. The drive on 519 from Wakefield to the Porcupine Mountains has quite a few trees this week with color. This is one of my favorite stretches of road for colors, while you are in the area you have to stop and see how the water is flowing at all the Falls along the Presque Isle River and view a sunset from the shoreline of Lake Superior. Mass City to Ontonagon to the Porcupine Mtns I was suprised has increased in color this week, you'll especially notice the colors from Ontonagon to the Porcupine Mountains. You have to stop at Bonanza falls outside of Silver City if you are in the area and of course explore the Porkies too, or take a guided tour if you want to get to see some less traveled areas in the Porkies. Along the South Boundary Road this week you will notice some good color developing, next week the color should really start popping along this road. There are some color changes being see around Rockland and the Victoria Dam, this area is always a beautiful place to visit and take in some fall colors, you should take a hike along the North Country Trail for some amazing views. The drive on US2 from Ironwood to Crystal Falls has some good color starting, usually a pretty good stretch of road to see color.
---Northern UP---about 3-10% color
Copper Harbor area has yet to see much color develop, usually pretty slow up here especially along Lake Superior. There has been a little color spotted on your way on to High Rock Bay and on some of the logging roads. Lake Medora has a few trees changing color now. The drive from Copper Harbor to Deleware there is some yellow and oranges to be seen. The Gratiot Lake road to Gratiot Lake you'll see a few trees changing now, the view you get coming down the hill here is always nice. While in the area go visit Eister falls or view the surroundings on top of Mt Horace Greely. Colors around Lac La Belle and Bete Gris are just now starting to change, this area changes slowly usually, you should stop at Haven Falls if you are in the area. Driving from Calumet to Phoenix you will see some reds and oranges along US41 and a drive down Cliff Drive you will see some brilliant red maples in the marshy areas, very pretty. Hancock to Lake Linden on M26 has some nice color developing, most trees have yellowed and you'll see plenty of reds and oranges developing especially from Ripley to Dollar Bay. From Lake Linden to Jacobsville there are a handful of trees with color. There is a little color around Rice Lake and Big Traverse. You will see many trees from Houghton to Baraga on US41 with color now, last week there was hardly any. You'll especially notice the colors closer to Houghton and in the Keweenaw Bay area, pretty spotty elsewhere along this stretch right now. Driving along M26 this week from Painesdale to Mass City was amazing to see the reds developing, I haven't see the reds develop this brillant for many years. Pay attention near Donken to through Twin Lakes, some amazing reds to be seen this year.
---Central UP---about 3-8% color
There is more color change now along Skanee Road from L'Anse to Big Ericks bridge, we should start seeing some good color along this stretch this coming week. Baraga to Covington Jct on US41 has more color this week, thinking that these colors will catch up to the colors on M26 from Houghton to Mass City soon, this area changes quickly and goes peak quickly. US41 from Covington Jct to Michigamme has little more color this week, driving along this stretch of road you will really notice the color changing, it happens quick here and goes from full yellow color to peak fall colors in about 2.5 weeks. There still isn't a lot of color developing from Michigamme to Ishpeming, altough a few more trees have been changing around the highway from Michigamme to Van Riper State Park. Not much color from Humbolt to Ishpeming though. If you take a drive along Deer Lake road this week you will notice some nice color starting. Last week along Co Rd. 550 there wasn't much for color, but this week you couldn't help but notice a few trees here and there with color and lots of yellow leaves. Your north to south roads like Highways 95, 35, and 553 you will notice spotty color still, it should start changing along these routes in the coming weeks. The drive on M28 from Marquette to Munising there still isn't much color developing except in the marshy areas the closer you get to Munising. Driving down US41 from Marquette to Rapid River you'll notice more color this week. Highway 94 to Munising more color has developed.
---Eastern UP---about 3-5% color
Color continues to develop along the Seney Stretch in the marshes on M28. From Seney along Hwy 77 to Blaney Park to US2 you will see spotty colors along the drive. From Seney to Newberry you will notice a few more reds this week and trees that had color gaining more color. Paradise and Tahquamenon Falls area has some nice color starting, a lot of it last week, trees continue to show mostly yellow hues, around 50% of trees have at least yellow leaves, look for some changes this week if it cools down. This drive along H-58 is always nice, you will notice more color this week mostly further away from Lake Superior with a few spotty areas along Pictured Rocks. The inner trails hiking trails where it is more open have some colors developing. From Newberry to the far eastern UP there still isn't much to report. If you are driving along US2 from Blaney Park to the Mackinac Bridge you will see more color this week along the stretch from Blaney Park to Naubinway, but not as much the closer you are on Lake Michigan along US2 all the way to the Mackinac Bridge. Haven't got any reports from St. Ignace this week, so I assume there isn't much change from last week.
---Southern UP---about 3-5% color
We are seeing more colors along the main roads this week. There will be trees here and there from Iron River to Escanaba along US2. Most of the color you will see is around Iron River to Crystal Falls. There hasn't been much to report anywhere south of Iron Mountain.
Week 6 - Aug 27th - Sept 2nd, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
This week has been a steady change like the past few weeks have been. Not much has changed from last week, just a little more color on trees now and we have moved into the 10-15% color in many areas now, expect next week to even be more as we may see some cooler weather. This color report is short and sweet as not a lot has changed from prior week.
Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 5-10% color
A few trees have been spotted with colors on Mackinac Island and Drummond Island now. Expect the color to start developing more the next few weeks.
---Western UP --- about 10-20% color
The colors in the Western UP are now picking up, colors are being seen more on the backcountry roads now. Throughout the Porcupine Mountains along South Boundary Road there are now colors appearing, hardly anything color being seen from the lookouts at Summit Peak and Lake of the Clouds.
---Northern UP---about 10-25% color
More colors are being seen in the Keweenaw, almost all roads traveled on throughout the Keweenaw have many trees changing, almost all have some sort of yellow hues and you are definately seeing some reds and oranges mixed in. Around Calumet, Lake Linden, Dollar Bay, Houghton and other areas of the Copper Country you are seeing some trees with almost full color, and many more with some nice reds and oranges. The drive along M26 is really coming along now from Painesdale to Mass City. The reds I am seeing along the roads this year are so bright and amazing.
---Central UP---about 10-15% color
You will notice lots of colors changing now from Covington Jct to Michigamme, still not a lot onward to Marquette. From Harvey to Munising you will definately notice the color change now along M28 but still not a tremendous amount of change yet, especially along Lake Superior. Inner highways along 94, 553, Co Rd 480, 35 south, Co Rd 510 and 550 you will notice many more trees with color from last week a few mixed reds and oranges.
---Eastern UP---about 5-15% color
The reds along the Seney stretch continue to get brighter but as with all the marshes the colors will start fading as the colors start developing along the other areas in the forests. Elsewhere in the eastern UP the colors are just really starting, you will notice more trees with color now outside the Soo, St. Ignace, and along US2. There is a detour around the Cut River Bridge so you won't see the colors along that stretch this year, I always love stopping there to take in the fall color views from the bridge.
---Southern UP---about 5-15% color
Color change in the Southern UP is coming along, still not a lot of change but enough to notice. Expect things to change rapidly once the cooler weather hits,
Week 7 - Sept 3rd - Sept 9th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
The fall colors this year are developing very nicely. This is shaping up to be a spectacular year so far. It has been so cool to see the colors change so rapidly overnight, trees that didn't have color, all of a sudden overnight have color. What a few cool nights will do. I can't stress this enough, if you are thinking about coming to the UP for fall colors this year, don't even think about not coming, it is the best start to fall color season I have seen in over 10 years. Unless we get some more warmer weather and or lots of rain we should continue to have a beautiful fall color season. The reds, oranges, and yellows this year are super rich. I am also noticing a lot of leaves with reds and green, some trees are even showing red, green, yellow, and orange. Everyone loves the reds and there are a lot of them this year, this year is a season to not miss, but if you do, be on the lookout for our fall color pics and videos from around the area and I'll try to share as much as I can from our followers as well on the website, facebook, and instagram.
Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 5-8% color
Leaf color started to change last week on Drummond Island and Mackinac Island. The warmer weather here will hinder it a bit but expect things to develop a little more rapidly than last season.
---Western UP --- about 15-30% color
Highway M28 from Covington Jct to Bruce Crossing we are now seeing more and more color almost on a daily basis, stay tuned this stretch changes quickly. You have to stop at Jumbo Falls, Bond Falls, and Agate Falls if you are driving this stretch of road. This week Bruce Crossing to Wakefield on M28 was pretty nice, lots of color developing around 20% up to 35% in some areas. You'll notice some nice colors around Ewen and Bergland in the Lake Gogebic area of M28. From Wakefield to Ironwood you will notice some beautiful reds and oranges, especially along the stretch of road from Blackjack Rd to Powderhorn road, take a few drives down the backroads also in the area the colors are changing nicely around 30% color now. Around Ironwood the colors are starting to really change(20-30% color. Views from the top of Copper Peak are amazing and get better once the color really starts to change. It should be about 1.5 weeks and you'll have one of the most amazing fall color views in the Midwest. Traveling on 519 from Wakefield to the Porcupine Mountains there is a lot of trees with color compared to a couple weeks ago. Take some time and visit the Presque Isle River and see the Falls along the Presque Isle River and maybe catch a view of the sunset from the shoreline of Lake Superior. Mass City to Ontonagon to the Porcupine Mtns has a lot of color change happening, those few evenings of 30s and 40s really made the colors pop along this stretch almost over night. If you want to get the Ultimate Fall Color Experience in the Porkies join a guided tour and see some of the lessern known areas of the Porcupine Mountains. The South Boundary Road never lacks in color and this week you have really been able to notice the changes from the week prior, one of the best stretches of road for colors in the western UP for sure, next week should really be popping. Views of color around the Victoria Dam and Rockland are getting better by the day. The views from Victoria dam are always nice and you'll want to stop in at Old Victoria Homesite. Also if you are in the area and want some great views you will need to do some hiking along the North Country Trail and get some amazing cliff views of the fall colors. If you drive or live on US2 from Ironwood to Crystal Falls you will have noticed many trees changing almost overnight after those few cold evenings, travel some of the backroads in the areas and get some good color views.
---Northern UP---about 10-40% color
How a few cold evenings change things. Just last week we were at around 25% color, this week there are areas which are in the 40% color range already, after you reach 40-50% color it seems the changes come quickly usually. Another week of cool evenings and things will really progress. Colors around Copper Harbor are still in the 15-30% range and may not change much this week with the warmer weather the last few days. Views from Mount Bohemia of the surround area shows about 20% color some inner areas around Lac La Belle and Lake Medora color is a little more. Anywhere along the Lake Shore from Copper Harbor to Eagle River is around 15-25% color change. From Phoenix to Calumet on US41 there is a lot more color this week and along Cliff Drive there are some beautiful reds and oranges. Jacobsville, White City, all the way to Big Traverse there is scattered patches of nice reds and oranges. Be sure to stop in at the Jacobsville Lighthouse for a beautiful view of Lake Superior and the Huron Islands. Colors in the Trap Rock Valley are changing nicely, some of the roads to take in this area are Copper City/Gray Road, Valley Road, Mayflower Rd, and Old Colony Road all have areas which overlook the valley for some beautiful views for miles. From Lake Linden to Hancock you will notice a tremendous amount of color change, some trees already with leaf loss, take in the sights around the Quincy Dredge along Torch Lake, take a drive around Point Mills outside Dollar Bay, take a drive up Airport Road from Dollar Bay to US41. If you have been driving from Houghton to Baraga lately you will notice much more color change along US41, some beautiful reds have developed in the last week, especially from Hougton to Chassell. One of my favorite drives in the UP is the stretch from South Range to Mass City, wow amazing colors have really showed up this week, we are close 40% in some stretches, the reds are amazing along this stretch.
---Central UP---about 20-35% color
If you are in the L'Anse area you will notice a lot of color change this week as with most areas of the UP. The central UP along with some areas outside Hougthon and the Western UP change quickly and it is changing quickly. There are some amazing views of color starting on Skanee Road to Big Ericks Bridge. Color along US41 from L'Anse to Covington Jct have gotten a lot better this week, the higher you get the better the colors. One of my favorite lakes to stop at is Lake Plumbago in Alberta, when the winds are calm and the colors vibrant and in peak it is amazing with the reflections and the way this hills are surrounding the lake. While you are in the area you will want to visit Taylor Creek Falls, Plumbago Falls, Bocco Creek Falls, Ogemaw Falls, and Canyon Falls. Prehaps you want to join a waterfall tour to see them. Another stretch of road that color has been changing quickly at is from Bruce Crossing to Covington Jct. You will notice some spotty color along the way especially as you go further east into Kenton, Sidnaw, and Watton. While you are driving through this area stop at Tibbets Falls. If you take highway 141 from Covington Jct to Crystal Falls you will notice a lot of color into the 30% range expect it to get into the 40-50% next week, this stretch of highway is amazing for fall colors as well. Another fun stretch of highway is US41 from Covington Jct to Marquette, the color along this stretch is always great but it changes quickly, it goes peak very quick, expect next week we will see color getting into the 50%-60% range and by the last week of Sept probably have been through peak color with lots of leaf drop. Driving on Co Roads 550, 553, 510 have some good color change into the 30% range now in a lot of areas along these roads. Hwy 95 south and Highway 35 south are seeing some nice color changes, some good reds are being seen around Tilden Mine. Also Co Roads 476 and 565 are fun to drive down as well during fall color season. Colors are hit and miss on 553 from 4 corners to Gwinn.
---Eastern UP---about 15-30% color
The eastern UP has some nice color developing south of the Soo to St. Ignace, driving down I75 there are some really nice reds this year compared to years past. From the Mackinac Bridge to Brevort there has been some nice color change from the prior week which was hardly anything, this week it is into the 25% range and even a little higher farther out from Lake Michigan. You won't get any views this color season from the Cut River Bridge this year as there is working being done and you'll go through the detour on US2. There are still many spots to stop along the highway on US2 and Lake Michigan to get your beach and fall color fix in. There has been some nice color showing up this week on Hwy 77 from Blaney Park through Germfask up to Seney, reaching into the 30% range now. Stop in at the Seney Wildlife Refuge if you have time. The Newberry and McMillian areas are starting to see some excellent reds and oranges along M28. There is about 15-20% color around Paradise and Tahquamenon falls now, a little more along the river. If you are traveling this color season to the Tahquamenon Falls State Park you won't be disappointed this could be one of the best color seasons in over 10 years that we have seen, expect a lot of traffic along 123 this year and lots of visitors to the falls this season, if you don't like crowds head there on a Mon, Tues, or Weds, or wait until after peak color season to see the falls. Also if you are wanting to take the Train or Riverboat rides at Tahquamenon their last day is Oct7th. For those traveling along M28 this week you will see little color along Lake Superior and more further off the lake. The swampy areas along the highway have some beautiful reds showing now. If you are kayaking on Lake Superior you will notice some nice colors popping up along the Pictured Rocks now about 15% right on Lake Superior. If you are traveling down H58 from Grand Marais to Munising, you will see some spotty colors but some bright reds and oranges, what a fun road to drive now, lots of traffic still along this road. Grand Marais to Lake Superior State Forest Campground has some good color showing up now. Also on 77 south out of Grand Marais is developing very nice. If you are traveling to Marquette or Munising and have some time on your hands take 77 North to Grand Marais follow H58 to Munising, you won't be dissapointed it is a lot more fun than driving the Seney stretch. A nice drive this week would be highway 95 from Munising to Chatham take 67 south to Trenary and stop in for some Trenary Toast, then head north on US41 to Marquette. Also be sure to stop at Whitefish falls outside of Trenary off US41.
---Southern UP---about 15-30% color
In the southern UP you will notice some nice colors along the Menominee River outside Iron Mountain and Kingsford. You will notice some color developing along Piers Gorge as well, always a fun hike this is anytime of the year. If you are in the area you will want to stop at Fumee Falls Colors around Escanaba, Rapid River, and Gladstone are around 20% in some areas a little more. You can't go wrong this week driving on US41 from Escanaba to Powers. Highway 35 from Gwinn to Rock has some very nice color this week it has around 25%.
Week 8 - Sept 10th - Sept 16th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
Well this season is looking good as ever for fall colors. As I reported last week the color has come along nice, many areas are now filling in with color. Areas which are slower are along Lake Superior in the Porkies, Copper Harbor, Pictured Rocks, and in the southern UP, and some south eastern areas around St. Ignace. Areas on Mackinac Island and Drummond have been seeing an increase in leaf color now this past week. In most areas of the UP peak this year should be around Sept 28th, 29th - October 5th and 6th. Some areas peak will be sooner but you'll still see some nice color for those days and even 5-8 days following, depending on leaf drop and winds.
Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 20-30% color
Leaf color started to change last week on Drummond Island and Mackinac Island. More and more trees are being seen with color now. These islands are always about 2-3 weeks behind the mainland of the Upper Peninsula. Peak will probably be around the end of the second week of October, maybe sooner if the cool weather actually shows up.
---Western UP --- about 25-50% color
Highway M28 from Covington Jct to Bruce Crossing more and more color is developing into around 30%-35% color with patches of 50-70% color. Nice spots along Covington Jct to Sidnaw, from there onward to Bruce it is really spotty. You have to stop at Jumbo Falls, Bond Falls, and Agate Falls if you are driving this stretch of road. This week Bruce Crossing to Wakefield on M28 is consitently changing, now seeing upwards of 50% color along the road here. There is still alot of yellowish green out there but plenty of color especially around Lake Gogebic to Wakefield, pay attention to the roadsides where the rivers cross or there are marshes, you'll see some nice reds and bright oranges. From Wakefield to Ironwood is now looking good around 40-50% color now. Take some drives down the side roads off US2 to Powerderhorn ski hill, Blackjack ski hill, and Indianhead ski hills. You will notice some nice patches of color along these stretches, you could also take a hike up the ski hills to get a better view of the surroundings. The Ironwood area the colors are starting has about 35-50% color. Copper Peak views were showing around 40% color, still alot of green to be seen, excited to get out there soon again to get some awesome aerial footage and snap a lot of photos. Mt. Zion had some nice views too. Around 40% color was seen from the view on the hill top. On 519 this week from Wakefield to the Porcupine Mountains I have noticed more colors filling in real nice, this is one of my favorite drives in the western UP. I'll again stop and visit the Presque Isle River and see the Falls along the Presque Isle River and get some photos with the fall colors, probably as it is turning peak in the western Porkies which should be around Sept 27th-Oct 2nd this year. Mass City to Ontonagon to the Porcupine Mtns there were a lot of new trees with color, still a lot of yellows though, although this stretch doesn't seem to have the sugar maples like more interior does. There are some really nice patches of reds and oranges though, especially around Greenland. This stretch of road you'll have 40-50% color now. If you want to get the Ultimate Fall Color Experience in the Porkies join a guided tour and see some waterfalls, historic mine, awesome vistas, and other areas of the Porcupine Mountains. The Victoria Resevoir really has some nice colors developing about 50% color in this area now. I love it in the valley here and hiking along the North Country Trail with the amazing views, some of the most amazing views in the UP along the NCT, places not many people even have seen before. You'll also notice around Rockland there are greally nice colors, around 40-50% color now. Stop at the Old Historic Victoria homesite if you are in the area, they are open through early October, remember to give a little donation, it is all volunteer staffed and the little museum is neat. US2 from Ironwood to Crystal Falls is developing but it seems a little slow the last week here. Reports are coming in of color changes but still a lot of green. Granted the further south east you go there aren't as many nice sugar maples as further west and north so that is part of it. Around 35% color the more you go east about 40% color to the west.
---Northern UP---about 40-60% color
We have now reached the point in some areas of the northern UP of 50% color and even some patchy areas of 60%. It shouldn't be but a little over a week that we start seeing some really thick color, the warmer weather did hinder it slightly though, so we shall see if some cooler weather is ahead. Colors around Copper Harbor are now reaching into the 30-40% range, especially more inward along US41 and west on M26 off the lake. Lake Medora has some nice views of color, Lac La Belle and Mt Bohemia areas are getting some good patchy areas of color around 35-40% now, expecting some good color this year in this area compared to last few seasons, the chair ride at Bohemia won't be one to miss this year. From Phoenix to Calumet on US41 there is about 35-40% color, Cliff Drive was nice the closer you are to Ahmeek, lesser color along the cliffs and near Phoenix. Jacobsville, White City, and the drive along Bootjack road has some new color, overall the area has about 40% color. Be sure to stop in at the Jacobsville Lighthouse for a beautiful view of Lake Superior and the Huron Islands. Trap Rock Valley now has about 50% color, some of the roads to take in this area are Copper City/Gray Road, Valley Road, Mayflower Rd, and Old Colony Road all have areas which overlook the valley for some beautiful views for miles. Lake Linden to Hancock you will notice the colors getting more bright and lots of leaf loss to in some areas. Take in the sights around the Quincy Dredge along Torch Lake, take a drive around Point Mills outside Dollar Bay, take a drive up Airport Road from Dollar Bay to US41. From Houghton to Chassell has now developed into about 50% color. Chassell along US41 to Snake River hill has some brilliant reds along the marsh and sloughs areas, there is a lot of leaf loss underway though. The drive from South Range to Mass City keeps getting better daily, as soon as you get out of Painesdale the color show starts and ends around Greenland on M26. The most color along the stretch is before Toivola. Overall this section of road is around 60% color now.
---Central UP---about 40-60% color
L'Anse area from downtown on Skanee Rd. to Big Ericks Bridge has some good color now, around 40% most of the way, there are some real nice stretches here that are not to be missed during full peak. L'Anse hill up to Alberta has some color patches which are nice, Lake Plumbago now has a little color being seen around the Lake. While you are in the area you will want to visit Taylor Creek Falls, Plumbago Falls, Bocco Creek Falls, Ogemaw Falls, and Canyon Falls. Perhaps you want to join a waterfall tour to see them. On M28 from Bruce Crossing you will see some good color appearing now. You will notice some spotty color along the way especially as you go further east into Kenton, Sidnaw, and Watton. While you are driving through this area stop at Tibbets Falls. If you take highway 141 from Covington Jct to Crystal Falls you will notice a lot of color into the 40% range expect it to get into the 50-60% next week, this stretch of highway is amazing for fall colors as well. Highway US41 from Covington Jct to Three Lakes has some more color this week, soon this section will be peak, already seeing leaf loss along the road especially around Tioga hill. From Three Lakes to Michigamme you will notice more color, nice stretches along Lake Michigamme along US41 through Champion. Not a lot of color from here onward until you get around Ishpeming. Around Teal Lake you are seeing more trees changing. Driving through Ishpeming and Negaunee in the towns you are seeing plenty of color change. Traveling down the southernly highways 95, 35, and 553 you are seeing plenty of color now, there are a lot of stretches with just evergreens so these aren't always the best color tour runs. I like to travel down 476 and 565 as they have some good color and they force you to slow down (windy and bumpy roads) to and watch the colors. Country roads 510 and 550 have more color a little slow developing because of the warmth but there are some good stretches now, a little leaf loss already. Things around Big Bay are looking great from Thomas Rock. Stop at the Big Bay Lighthouse while you are up there.
---Eastern UP---about 30-50% color
The areas along M28 from Harvey to Munising are getting better finally, especially the closer you get to Munising. If you are traveling any roads south of M28 like Hwy 95 on your way to Au Train falls or to Laughing Whitefish falls you'll notice some very nice color. Anywhere along Lake Superior in the Pictured rocks you're seeing more color development, but from the aerial views there is still a lot of green being seen, this is slow always just like in Copper Harbor area, I would say about 40-50% color now though. The Seney strech had some nice color left but a lot of leaf loss, this week there probably won't be many leaves left on the trees in the marshes. As far as the rest of the eastern UP color is progressing fairly well around 40-50% in most locations now. Around the Sault Ste. Marie things are looking good up on Mission Hill and Brimley.
---Southern UP---about 30-45% color
The Southern UP is coming along most of the color is being seen more northern areas of the south as there are more maples up north.
Week 9 - Sept 17th - Sept 23rd, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: This guide is an estimate and only that, color may vary in different places than what you are viewing. Almost all trees have color by now, even if it is yellowish green, it is color, the color percentage doesn't mean it is full blown 100% tree covered colors, it means the percentage of color total averaged in. Some areas are on the low end of the spectrum for sure. These numbers are given as an estimate of the prior week to the current week we are in.
We had a little blast of warm weather that seems to be now over. Many including myself were enjoying as much of it as we could. Sorry last weeks update was late, I've got so much going on, so I apologize for the delay, but this week I have it on time, yay! Well the color in the leaves has become a little more dull from what it was 2 weeks ago, however I think with the little bit of rain we had the last few days things are starting to come back. Some leaves got burned up quickly with those 80 degree days, thank goodness for the rain though. Also the rain rains and wind it knocked a lot of the leaves off the trees where color was developing, always happens.
We will see peak by the end of this week in some areas, and others will peak early next week, with some still lagging behind into the next week. Many places will have 60-80% color by the beginning of next week. Colors from the Porkies at Lake of the Clouds, areas along Pictured rocks, views from Sugar Loaf and Hogsback Mtn, Thomas Rock, Mt Zion, Copper Peak will all yield around 60-80% color this week. As this cold weather hits it won't be but a week for it to get really nice. You can't go wrong taking a trip to the U.P. this weekend or into late next week as color will be progressing into peak colors almost through the entire Upper Peninsula.
- Enjoy your day! Steve Jurmu My Instagram page - My Facebook page
Photos in the Trap Hills Section 10 of the North Country Trail

Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 30-45% color
Things are starting to look more like fall ont he islands. You should have already planned your trips to the Mackinac Island or Drummond Island by now as it gets busy during the fall during fall colors. Peak colors should start arriving probably into the second week of October on the islands.
---Western UP --- about 60-80% color
Covington Jct to Bruce Crossing along M28 has upwards of 60-70% color now, some places even 80%, starting to see leaf loss too, expecting peak to happen by mid week next week. There are still areas with less than 60% but that is less and less. Bruce Crossing to Wakefield on M28 you'll see upwards of 60-80% color with leaf loss too. Lots of leaf loss along the marshes and almost all color has come and gone near these areas. Still some good yellows along the way, the reds have seem to come and gone but still a few to be seen. The Ironwood area the colors are starting has about 45-80% color. If taking views from Copper Peak Mt. Zion in Ironwood you will see around 50-80% color now, peak will be this weekend into early next week, so get there and take in the views. The drive along 519 from Wakefield to the Porkies was amazing there is now 60-80% color on much of the drive and plenty of leaf loss from the winds and rains. Now is the time to get to the western UP. Lake of the Clouds in the Porkies views changed a little probably about 15% from last weeks report. The warmer weather stopped the progression in the valley more than along South Boundary road which is really looking impressive now. You will see color change in the 60-80% range along South Boundary Road now, there really are some beautiful stretches now. If you want to get the Ultimate Fall Color Experience in the Porkies join a guided tour and see some waterfalls, historic mine, awesome vistas, and other areas of the Porcupine Mountains. Mass City to the Porcupine Mountains has now progressed well into 70% range for much of the stretch, lots of yellows more than any other color now. There still is some red and oranges being seen, but some of these trees which developed earlier are now seeing leaf loss so they are less brillant than they were over a week ago. The drive down Hwy 64 mid last week was around 50-60% color now it is reaching into the 70% range. Areas around Lake Gogebic and Bergland now are seeing some good color, some nice stretches after from Bergland to Wakefield, peak should be this weekend into early next week. The Victoria Resevoir has about 60-70% color expecting to be into 80% by end of the week. I'll be taking a hike if I can along the North Country Trail on a section I haven't hiked before that has an awesome cliff view of the Ontonagon River Valley. Colors in the Trap Hills area up to Rockland is around 60-70% color. Stop at the Old Historic Victoria homesite if you are in the area, they are open through early October, remember to give a little donation, it is all volunteer staffed and the little museum is neat. Along US2 from Marinesco to Crystal Falls, there is good color, overall there is about 50% color. Nice colors being see around Gaastra and Chicagon Lake along 424.
---Northern UP---about 50-80% color
Many of the northern UP has seen a slight slowdown in color change. We have had a little bit of everything this fall, cool weather, warmest days of the year so far, light rain, heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail, and super breezy winds. This has affected things slightly, lots of leaf loss in some areas from the wind and rain, and some leaves got burned up by the few upper 80s days we had. Overall color is around 60-70% in most interior areas off of Lake Superior, upwards of 80%, going peak this weekend if things stay cool. Expect to be nice color still after peak and into the first week of October along Lake Superior areas. Copper Harbor views from Brockway Mountain are about 50-60% color with patches of more color, lakeside less color. The US41 drive into Copper Harbor is real nice right now really pretty too with the leaf loss on the road. Looking to see peak color from Brockway Mountain, you should visit mid to late next week. Was nice driving around the lakeshore from Gay to Lac La Belle had some good colors but overall this drive is a lot of evergreens on the lakeside with some patches of maples and aspen with some good yellows, a few reds being seen. Standing on Bete Gris beach was beautiful looking out across to the Keweenaw peninsula, always a wonderful colorful view. Phoenix to Calumet on US41 there is about 60% color. Cliff drive a a fun drive, some good colors from the cliffs to Ahmeek, but more leaf loss now than last especially where there was brillant reds along the marshy areas, still a some decent patches. On US41 from Phoenix to Mohawk there are some great stetches, this drive is beautiful in the winter and fall. if you're traveling out to Jacobsville, White City, Rabbit Bay, you'll notice color more interior but it does have some good streches, more leaf loss along the lake though. Those areas have gotten into the 60% range for color. Trap Rock Valley now is seeing good colors, the views coming down the hills were great. Overall about 60-70% color, some of the roads to take in this area are Copper City/Gray Road, Valley Road, Mayflower Rd, and Old Colony Road all have areas which overlook the valley for some beautiful views for miles. Driving from Lake Linden to Hancock has about 70% color and plenty of leaf loss. From Houghton to Chassell is now seeing about 70-80% color change, peak will be this weekend. Chassell along US41 to Snake River hill has some good colors still, a few trees holding on to their colorful red leaves, the leaf loss is great though, many of the trees along this strech changed earlier. The rest of the way along US41 to Baraga is about 60% color. There are some nice backroads in Houghton Country to drive on which have some brialliant colors, you won't see as much leaf loss as on the open highways. Interior Houghton county is reaching peak color by the weekend and into the beginning of next week.
---Central UP---about 50-70% color
There was little color change along Skanee Road earlier in the week with the warm weather, lost of leaf loss too with the winds. Overall right now along Skanee road you'll see about 60% color, expect it to hit 75% by the end of the week though with cooler temps coming. Some of the backroads in the Huron Mountains area had 70% color already. Some of the views along the rivers in the area were really spectacular, one of my favorites to hike along and fish is the Huron River. There is now about 60-70% color from L'Anse to Covington Jct. Some good color now showing up around Lake Plumbago, some good photographic opportunities at this lake. While you are in the area you will want to visit Taylor Creek Falls, Plumbago Falls, Bocco Creek Falls, Ogemaw Falls, and Canyon Falls. Perhaps you want to join a waterfall tour to see them. Going east on M28 you will see some nice colors through Covington, Kenton, Sidnaw, and Watton. Stop at Agate Falls too for some good views from the old rail road trestle if you're not afraid of heights. While you are driving through this area stop at Tibbets Falls. Covington to Amasa had some good color progression from a couple weeks ago, it is now around 60-75% color with patches of 80% in some areas, some heavy leaf loss though in some spots. Be on the lookout for moose along this stretch also. From Covington Jct to Three Lakes there is almost full color 80% to 90% color with heavy leaf loss especially from King Lake through Tioga hill into Nestoria. There are still some good colors being seen along the lakes in Three Lakes total color change in this area to Michigamme is about 60-70%. Still some nice stretches along Lake Michigamme along US41 through Champion. Colors along Lake Michigamme were nice looking out from Van Riper State Park, still a good week or more for full peak color. Colors from Ishpeming, Negaunee into western Marquette are still slow to progress about 60% overall. There is a little bit more color on 510 and 550 this week, it seems that color has dulled from the warmer weather. You will notice a bit more color on 510 this week and about the same with more leaf loss along Co Rd 550. Colors around Big Bay and Lake Superior are about 50-60% in some areas, a tad less in some spots close to Lake Superior. Sugarloaf and Hogsback mountains are always popular spots to take in surrounding views and are especially pretty in the fall, still noticing plenty of green though. Also you want to take a drive up Mount Marquette for great views of the city of Marquette and Lake Superior you'll see about 50% color.

Photos by Steve Jurmu
---Eastern UP---about 45-60% color
Color stalled a bit from the warmer weather but still has progressed slighly. Around Munising and Grand Marais there is still plenty of green, lots of yellowish green, and enough reds and oranges to satisfy most people for a fall color ride. Our suggested loop is M28 to Seney then north on Hwy 77 to Grand Marais, then take H58 back to Munising. There are a lot of places to stop along the way for a full day of fun. The Seney stretch has lost most of its color and lots of leaf loss int he marshy areas. Taking Highways 77, 117, and 123 south from M28 each have good color in many stretches but still aways to go for peak color. Around McMillan and Newberry there were some real nice stretches of color around the Fox river and King creek. There are a lot of backroads south of here that are nice to see some fall colors. Also stop and see the colors along the shorelines of all three Manistique lakes, from McMillan take 417 to 135 south for a good drive. South to Manistique on 94 there is plenty of color that has developed now, stop at Indian Lake for some good colors. You also must stop at Kitch-iti-kipi (Michigan's largest spring) for a fun time. If you have extra time you must stop down at the Garden Peninsula to Fayette Historic State Park, super cool place. There is hit and miss color along US2 from Blaney Park to the Mackinac Bridge. There are some good views along the scenic roadside parks along US2, and also the beach along US2 after Brevort is a fun place to relax on Lake Michigan. Stop at Brevort Lake for some good fall color views. The colors were nice in St. Ignace from the lookouts at Mackinac Straits State Park, Castle Rock, and Father Marquette Memorial, perhaps peaking next week. Taking I75 from St. Ignace to Sault Ste Marie there is a lot of color now, still not peaking, maybe late next week but there are some good views from Mission Hill outside the Soo, probably the best views around Brimley and the Soo there is. Plan for extra time to watch the ships go through the Soo Locks. Now one of the most popular destinations in the entire UP in the fall is Tahquamenon Falls State Park and rightly so it is beautiful in the fall. Areas along the water are coming along really nicely in the 60-70% range. Expect this area to go peak soon, there will be nice color after peak as well, leaf drop is an issue though along the openess of the river. Remember to take the Train and Boat tours for a memorable experience, maybe you'll see a bear.
---Southern UP---about 30-50% color
Overall the colors are progressing slow down in the southern UP, a lot has to do with there not being as much maple as up in other areas of the Upper Peninsula.
Week 10 - Sept 24th - Sept 30th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: Things have developed a little bit more but for the most part we added on a few more percentages from the low end of the spectrum from last weeks report, the high end didn't change much so we just kept it as it was. Expecting that we will start seeing some really nice color through the lowe elevations on Lake Superior now this week. The upper elevations and interior portions of the U.P. have really gotten some color moving into the 80% in some areas with some areas still in the low 50s which is few areas. Usually after you start seeing 70% color you have about 2 weeks to still see some nice color, but expect leaf loss to really start to show along areas.
Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 40-50% color
---Western UP --- about 70-80% color
---Northern UP---about 60-80% color
---Central UP---about 60-70% color
---Eastern UP---about 50-60% color
---Southern UP---about 40-50% color
Week 11 - Oct 1st - Oct 7th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: This week will be a great week to be up here as we have moved into peak color in many areas with a few spots touching past peak. The areas by the lake are still developing into peak color, but expect next week to be great the best overall through the entire UP of Michigan.
Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- about 45-60% color
---Western UP --- about 80%-peak color
---Northern UP---about 70%-peak color
---Central UP---about 60%-80% color
---Eastern UP---about 70-80% color
---Southern UP---about 60%-80% color
Week 12 - Oct 8th - Oct 14th, 2017 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: This is the last fall color report. In most areas color is peak to past peak color. By Lake Superior on the lower elevations there is still a hint of gree in some areas but for the most part all areas are peak and past peak with leaf loss. If you are planning a trip up here this week you will still find color. There is more and more leaf loss daily, the yellows have really made an appearance now on the poplar and birch trees. There was still a lot of red that held on to provide a vibrant color show along with some oranges and much more yellow.
Mackinac Island and Drummond Island --- going into peak color
---Western UP --- peak to past peak color
---Northern UP---peaking to past peak color
---Central UP---about 85% to past peak color
---Eastern UP---about 90% to past peak color
---Southern UP---about 80% to peaking color
Colors of tree leaves
Oak - red, brown, russet colorsAspen(Poplar) - goldish yellow colors
Dogwood - deep reddish purple colors
Beech (very little in the UP) - light tan color
Sugar maple - yellows, oranges and reds
Red maple - deep red like scarlet
Striped maple - about colorless
Birch - golden yellow