2016 Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report
Updated weekly usually on Monday or Tuesday afternoon. You can read each weeks report below.
Week 1 fall color report - Week 2 fall color report - Week 3 fall color report
Week 4 fall color report - Week 5 fall color report - Week 6 fall color report
Week 7 fall color report - Week 8 fall color report - Week 9 fall color report The last report of the season - Week 10 fall color report
Past Years Color Reports: Fall color report 2015 - Fall color report 2014
This is the 3rd year running for the FunintheUP.com fall color report. This is the most accurate and up to date information on the fall colors you will find. We travel the roads across the UP weekly and use our vast number of contacts for this report. We can't predict the peak color season with 100% accuracy but we do a pretty good job of being pretty close usually 4-6 weeks from the first fall color report. Don't miss the colors, bookmark our page, and stay tuned for the lastest developments in the color, they could change quickly and you could come to early or come to late and that wouldn't be fun. Thanks for following, enjoy your day!
- Steve Jurmu UP Adventure Guide
If you want to submit a fall color report to us, send an email to steve @ funintheup.com or use hashtag #UPfallcolors on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or tag us at @funintheup
July 14th, 2016 - First fall colors spotted for 2016.
Week 1 - July 31st - August 6th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: It is impossible to predict the peak colors throughout the UP with 100% accuracy, things can change quickly and sometimes they can put our predictions ahead or behind. We will give you the most accuract information we possibly can.
We have had a very nice summer here in the UP, so much so the temperatures of Lake Superior have been above normal through July, which makes it great for swimming and time at the beach. Well it is time for our Fall Color Report to start. There are colors starting to appear around the UP. A few sporadic reds and oranges on trees that may be diseased, or with broken branches. Lots of yellow hues starting in birch and poplar leaves in Houghton, Ontonagon, and Marquette counties. Be on the lookout for colors to start appearing, you will have to pay attention to the trees as you drive by, as most will not even be aware the colors are changing because it will be subtle with one or two trees per mile along the roadsides with a few leaves here and there.
---Western UP ---
Nothing significant to report.
---Northern UP---
Nothing significant to report.
---Eastern UP---
Nothing significant to report.
---Southern UP---
Nothing significant to report.
Week 2 - August 7th - August 14th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: It is impossible to predict the peak colors throughout the UP with 100% accuracy, things can change quickly and sometimes they can put our predictions ahead or behind. We will give you the most accuract information we possibly can.
Starting to see the ferns dying and turning brown and the hues of the birch and poplar really starting to pop a bit more. A few reds have been spotted but very minimal right now across the UP, mostly in the central and western UP in the dense maple areas. Overall less than 1% color at this time.

---Western UP ---
M28 Covington to Wakefield there is very little color mostly a little yellow hue starting to appear on leaves. A few reds have been spotted. A few colors in the Porkies and around Ironwood have been spotted, but nothing to significant yet.
---Northern UP---
Calumet to Copper Harbor there is virtually no color appearing, a few trees have a little yellow on their leaves, nothing significant. In the Houghton from Chassell and from Houghton to Twin Lakes there are a few trees with some red showing already. The drive along M26 from Houghton to Mass city is usually one of the first areas to show color, and it has started. US41 from Chassell to Baraga there isn't much to report right now.
---Central UP---
Virtually nothing to report across the area, just a few trees here and there with yellows. Noticed a handful of trees with a little red developing on Hwy 35 near Tilden Mine, on 476, and 515.
---Eastern UP---
Almost nothing to report.
---Southern UP---
Almost nothing to report.
Week 3 - August 15th - August 21st, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: It is impossible to predict the peak colors throughout the UP with 100% accuracy, things can change quickly and sometimes they can put our predictions ahead or behind. We will give you the most accuract information we possibly can.
This week we have been seeing a little more color develop, significant enough that most people are noticing now. Some people say it is early for color but it really isn't here in the UP, it is just our summer are so short that any color you notice just makes you wish summer would stay. It just means winter is less than a couple months away, and perhaps our first snowfall sighting of the season could be a month of less away, if it's like the last couple years. Overall color sits about 3-5% color across the UP. Look for this week to get into the double digits in color.
---Western UP ---
M28 Covington to Wakefield have been noticing the colors a bit more than last week, but still not a lot of color that is to noticible when driving. A few reds have been spotted. More colors are being noticed in Porkies and around Ironwood. The Lake Gogebic area is starting to see some reds here and there.
---Northern UP---
Calumet to Copper Harbor a few more trees have a little yellow on their leaves, still nothing significant to really notice, but there were more trees with some red this week along US41 and also on the Eagle River Cutoff Rd. In the Houghton area from MTU to Pilgrim River Steakhouse there are a few trees now with a little red. From the Portage Lake Golf Course to Chassell a few trees are starting to show some reds and more yellows developing too. US41 from Chassell to Baraga there are more trees with yellow hues developing, a few reds here and there an occasional orange. Baraga to Covington Jct on US41 there have been some reds and oranges starting to appear and more yellows. The drive along M26 from Houghton to Mass City now has a decent amount of color that you will notice, suprising how earlier on Sunday there wasn't much that you would even notice then a drive on Thursday after a couple cooler nights started the leaves changing more into some reds and oranges, you can't help but see the color now along this drive. The color along here is roughly 10-12% now.

---Central UP---
More yellows starting, some occassional reds from Covington Jct to Michigamme, once you get closer to Ishpeming and Marquette you won't notice much. A little more developing reds south of Ishpeming and Negaunne. Some more color developing on hwy 553, 510, and 550. Occasional colors in Munising, Chatham, Sands Township, and other areas in Alger County.
---Eastern UP---
A few yellows starting an occasional tree with red and oranges.
---Southern UP---
Just a little yellow hue starting, really not much right now.
Week 4 - August 22th - August 28th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: It is impossible to predict the peak colors throughout the UP with 100% accuracy, things can change quickly and sometimes they can put our predictions ahead or behind. We will give you the most accuract information we possibly can.
Welcome to the Upper Peninsula fall color report for week 4. This week we are really starting to see some color developing. We know that color season is upon us now. There have been a few days where it has dropped in the lower 50s and the clouds have given that look of fall, those dark grey skies are starting to appear, that crisp evening chill is being felt now. It won't be long until peak color season. Houghton, Ontonagon, Marquette, Baraga, and western Gogebic counties will most likely peak around Sept 22nd-Sept 28th. Most of the UP will have reached peak by Oct 5th, if not by about Oct 1st. It can change but it's looking to be about that way. Stay tuned for developments.
---Western UP - about 5%-10% color---
M28 Covington to Wakefield still not to much color maybe 8% color, a few reds are being spotted in swampy areas in the Ottawa National forest around where Eastern time changes to Central time along M28. A little color is starting to be seen along Sunday Lake in Wakefield and along US2 from Wakefield to Ironwood. Along US2 to Watersmeet there is a little more color developing this week. More and more colors are being noticed in Porkies and around Ironwood daily with about 10% color now. The Lake Gogebic area has started to see color along the shoreline of Lake Gogebic, M28 from Ewen to Bergland there is a decent amount of color now around 5%-10% color.
---Northern UP - about 8%-15% color---
Northern Houghton along M28 is coming along colors are really starting to pop now, a drive along the highway from Painesdale to Twin Lakes you will notice a lot of trees developing, this is a great drive. Areas in Houghton are seeing reds and oranges, and many trees with greens turning to yellows, still the oaks aren't changing. Mostly your maples, birch, aspen have now all gotten hues of yellow developing. Chassell to Baraga not much except a tree here and there still with reds and oranges, lots of yellow starting to appear on most trees. The Keweenaw is starting to see a little more this week, a few reds, mostly yellows, have now appeared on many trees. Areas along Skanee road are starting to see some more color, reds, oranges, lots of yellow, take a ride out here it is a good drive, once the colors start popping out here in 2 weeks you'll really love the drive. L'Anse hill along US41 more and more each day, reds, and lots of yellows. Not much color from Alberta to Covington yet though.

---Central UP - about 10% color---
From Covington Jct to Ishpeming there isn't much a few reds, mostly yellows, but more noticeable this week for sure. This drive is an awesome drive to make once it reaches peak, but it changes quick so stay tuned to this report. Color along here is roughly 8% color. Ispheming and Neguanee areas are seeing the colors starting to pop, drive the backroads and see it developing. The drive in Marquette along 553, CoRd 510 or CoRd 550 will be a nice drive soon, not to much, a few reds and lots of yellows now, about 15% color. Munising was developing, more color each day, a few trees have lots of red, you can't but help now to notice the changes each day. Take highway 94 from US41 to Chatham and you'll see more reds and yellows than you will along M28 from Marquette to Munising right now.

---Eastern UP - about 5%-10% color---
Tahquamenon falls area is now seeing a decent amount of color, last year the colors went peak about the 2nd week of October, but it won't be that late this year, guessing around the 1st week of October maybe even earlier if the cold weather hits us. The Newberry area has seen more reds developing but not to noticable yet, lots of yellows starting though. The drive along M28 from Shingleton to Newberry can be really pretty especially around McMillan. Grand Marais and areas to the north of M28 have started to see more color this week from the previous. Eastern areas like the Soo has seen some good reds starting. East of I75 has been slow developing, still more yellows but not much for reds or oranges. St. Ignace little color as well. The drive on US2 from St. Ignace to Rapid River can be a real nice drive but not yet if color is your thing.
---Southern UP - about 2%-8% color---
Well the Escanaba area has around 8% color, look for it to start reaching to 15% by this weekend. Manistique area and Nahma are seeing a bit more, around 5% or so of color. South of US2 haven't gotten any reports, but probably around what Escanaba has.
Week 5 - August 29th - Sept 4th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
NOTE: It is impossible to predict the peak colors throughout the UP with 100% accuracy, things can change quickly and sometimes they can put our predictions ahead or behind. We will give you the most accuract information we possibly can.
Week 5 a lot of trees started really showing color. Still haven't gotten into the 20% range in any county yet, although probably early this week areas of the Copper Country and perhaps even areas around western Gogebic county will probably be in the 20% to 30% range if not more, especially with 3 or 4 days of lower 50s. This is the time to start planning your trips though. Most of the UP will be at 50%-80% color by Sept 22nd to Sept 29th. It doesn't take long for colors to be at 30% and hit 70% color in a matter of 4-6 days. Once color hits 80% it could be a matter of 2 days to 100% color. If we get some cool nights into the mid 40s and low 50s we could see the color develop more, if it stays in the upper 50s and low 60s then color could be hindered.
---Western UP - about 8%-15% color---
M28 Covington to Wakefield maybe 10% color. Sunday Lake in Wakefield and along US2 from Wakefield to Ironwood around 12%. Along US2 to Watersmeet there is a little more color around 15%. Porkies and around Ironwood about 15% color now. The Lake Gogebic area about 8%-15%. M28 from Ewen to Bergland around 8%-18% color. Iron River, Watersmeet, Bond Falls, Agate Falls area along M28 about 10% color. Crystal Falls and Iron Mountain areas not seeing to much color only 5%-10%.
---Northern UP - about 12%-25% color---
M26 Houghton to Mass city about 25% color. US41 Houghton to Chassell about 15% color. Chassell to Baraga about 10% color. Baraga to Covington Jct. about 15% color. L'Anse area to Skanee about 15% color. Hancock to Lake Linden about 15% color. Hancock to Calumet about 15% color. Calumet to Phoenix about 10% color. Eagle River, Eagle Harbor, Delaware, LacLaBelle, around 8%-12% color. Copper Harbor around 5%-12% color.

---Central UP about 15%-18% overall---
Covington Jct US41 to Marquette rouhgly 15% color, most of the color though can be seen from Covington Jct through Tioga roadside park, then around Michigamme to Champion. Ishpeming, Negaunee, Marquette areas around 5%-15% color. Harvey to Munising along M28 around 10%-15% color. Hwy 94 from US41 to Chatham and areas around Trenary around 15% color.
---Eastern UP - about 15% ---
Overall little color still seeing little color along the eastern side of the UP, not as many hard maples in the east as in the western and northern areas of the UP. Just a lot of yellows starting to show.
---Southern UP - about 10%---
Really very little at this time, it may have increased to about 12% this week, just not a lot of change here.
Week 6 - Sept 5th - Sept 11th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
Our Peak color season forecast has moved back at least 4-8 days throughout the entire UP. Driving around last week I saw very little color change from the previous week, I added another 3-5% color change at the max across the UP. We had three days of rain over most of the UP last week. The weather has been warm too during the days and not dropping down in temperature to much through the evenings. The water has caused a lot of the color change to be halted, especially with the warmer evening temps. So the entire UP should have reached peak or going into peak color around October 4th - October 10th. Some areas may be a little later, especially in the Porkies, and Copper Harbor area, it just depends on weather. One thing is for sure though, the colors this year should be amazing compared to the last two years, so this might just be the year you have to get up here. Last year the colors came and went quickly due to the hot and dry days it burnt up a lot of the leaves to quickly and the winds knocked a lot of the leaves off shortly after. Stay tuned to next weeks update.
Week 7 - Sept 12th - Sept 18th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
Due to the rains and warmer weather across the UP again our peak color season is moved back slightly by almost 2 weeks when first forecasted during week 4. This week we would have been getting into 50% color across most of the UP to 70% in some areas. The colors are still changing but ever so slighthly. Have been noticing a good amount of reds popping out this year compared to last year. If the weather gets cold quickly the colors could change quick. The middle of the first week of October, looks to be a good time to be up here. You probably can't go wrong by being up here from October 8th-19th either, especially if you are going up to Copper Harbor as the color up in the Keweenaw is a little slower to change than other areas in the UP.
---Western UP - about 10%-25% color---
Covington to Wakefield the futher you go west the more colors you are seeing. Sunday Lake in Wakefield and along US2 from Wakefield to Ironwood is starting to get some nice oranges and reds, the birch are coming along too. Along US2 to Watersmeet there is a little more color almost 20% now. Porkies and around Ironwood about 20% color now some nice reds popping. The Lake Gogebic area about 10-20%. M28 from Ewen to Bergland around 10%-25% color. Iron River, Watersmeet, Bond Falls is getting some good color now, about 1 week will be a nice time to visit Bond Falls.
---Northern UP - about 10%-35% color---
M26 Houghton to Mass city about 35% color, good stretches of color starting to appear now. US41 Houghton to Chassell about 20% color. Chassell to Baraga about 15% color. Baraga to Covington Jct. about 20% color. L'Anse area to Skanee about 20% color. Hancock to Lake Linden about 20% color. Hancock to Calumet about 20% color. Calumet to Phoenix about 15% color. Eagle River, Eagle Harbor, Delaware, LacLaBelle, around 10%-20% color. Copper Harbor around 10%-15% color.
---Central UP about 15%-25% overall---
Covington Jct US41 to Marquette rouhgly 30% color, most of the color though can be seen from Covington Jct through Tioga roadside park, then around Michigamme to Champion. Ishpeming, Negaunee, Marquette areas around 15%-25% color. Harvey to Munising along M28 around 10%-20% color. Hwy 94 from US41 to Chatham and areas around Trenary around 20% color.
---Eastern UP - about 20% ---
A little color is now being seen more than the prior week. You will notice a lot of yellow now, occasional reds peeping through and making their mark. Look for this area to change quickly as it gets colder. Last year around 10th-20th was still good for visiting the Tahquamenon Falls, probably the same this year. Coming up along US2 from the Big Mackinac Bridge you'll see some trees with color, lots of yellows, still a lot of green and some reds popping now too, especially closer to Lake Michigan.
---Southern UP - about 15%---
Things are starting to change pretty good to the south. Areas are reporting some nice reds, lots of yellow, still lots of green but it should change quickly with the colder nights coming, it will come quickly then.
Week 8 - Sept 19th - Sept 25th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report.
Well well, finally some good color developing across the Upper Peninsula. Overall picture for fall colors are 30%-60% in the UP. The Upper Peninsa is always a top destination for fall colors, once you see it you will know why. We are seeing some good color developing through the interior regions of the UP, like southern Baraga county, Southern Houghton county, in the western UP, especially north of Ironwood, and Wakefield, and in the southern Porkies along South Boundary Road. Also nice color along M28 along the Seney Stretch. With a few cooler evenings lately the color has started to show almost overnight in some areas, and we aren't far from peak perhaps about a week and a half. It is safe to say that the next two weeks you should have color worth coming up to the UP for. No where has reached peak yet, but some areas are close.
---Western UP - about 30%-50% color---
Western areas north of Ironwood are turning nicely. Copper Peak would be a good bet this week as well as next. The Porkies area Lake of the Clouds is about 30%-40%, and areas around Summit Peak in the interior are turning well, with some reds and bright oranges, and yellows. Highway 519 is developing pretty well, next week along here should be some of the nicest in the UP for sure. Wakefield, Bessemer, Ironwood areas are around 40%-50. Take a walk up the ski hills for good views. Southern western UP Marinesco area is a little slower in color change. Areas around Lake Gogebic and Bergland are around 50% color.
---Northern UP - about 30%-50% color---
The Keweenaw is probably the slowest to turn especially along the shorelines on M26. The road to Copper Harbor US41 is spotty with 30%-40% right now. Bete Gris is a great place to view colors along the shoreline of Lake Superior. Calumet to Phoenix there is about 40% color. Other areas to get good color right now is M26 from Houghton to Greenland some nice reds, oranges along this stretch.
---Central UP - about 40%-60% color---
Marquette area is turning but perhaps a little slower than east of Munising through Seney. Expect Seney area to have nice colors next week. Covington Jct to Marquette, there are nice pockets of color from Parent Lake to Michigamme. South of Ishpeming and Negaunee there are some good colors showing now. Republic area as well. M94 is a good drive this week and into next week as the color develops.
---Eastern UP - about 30%-40% color ---
Spotty colors right now along US2 from St. Ignace to Manistique. A little more in the interiors along Hwy 77 and 117 to M28. Soo down to St. Ignace not a lot of color yet, it's starting to get better but if your planning a Tahquamenon falls trip and expect nice colors it won't be this week, maybe next week later, or into the next week. Anything along Lake Superior is slower to color change so plan accordingly.
---Southern UP - about 30%-40%---
Colors are changing but to fast the more north you go the better the colors. Iron Mountain, Iron River, and Crystal Falls areas are seeing some good color better than just to the south. Norway to Escanaba it is spotty color right now, with maybe 30% is most places.
Week 9 - Sept 26th - Oct 2nd, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report. Things have been getting colder and things are developing into what most expect fall to be. Your best colors this week are the drive from Wakefield to Presque Isle region along hwy 519, lots of nice reds, oranges, and yellows, exceptional right now. Also driving from Covington Jct to Michigamme is wonderful with peak color coming very soon here, maybe by the end of the week. Your best color is from Parent Lake to Tioga Roadside Park. Other areas are coming along steady.
---Western UP - about 40%-80% color---
Hwy 519 is looking great, lots of colors now, perhaps one of the best drives this week around 60%-80% color. Continue on along South Boundary Rd. through the Porcupine Mountains and there will be lots of color along this stretch too about 60-70% color overall. As you get closer to Lake Superior the color is more spotty with about 40% color. At Lake of Clouds overlook you will see about 40% color along the ridges in the park, the more west you look the better the colors. The drive from the Porkies to Ontonagon is always nice with Lake Superior alongside it but you will notice little color upwards of 40% in most places along this stretch. After you get out of Ontonagon the drive along M38 will yield more colors all the way to Greenland and M26 Jct. Silver City to Bergland has some nice color, as well as Lake Gogebic area. Ironwood and Wakefield area is turning into a nice show great color along M28 especially in the marshy areas in the Ottawa National Forest. You should go up to Mt. Zion in Ironwood, or climb the area ski hills to see some nice colors always good views. Any of the roads through this area you will see some nice color. US2 to Iron River is showing some nice colors around 60-70%. The folks at Chicaguon Lake Inn are reporting that colors should be peak in this area around the end of this week. The drive from Mass City to Watersmeet along Hwy 45 has some good colors just not a lot, good amount of yellows. You must stop at Victoria Dam and view the colors here, always amazing, and if you see the Victoria Dam Falls flowing count yourself lucky too. Bond Falls is always beautiful here, if you're looking for nice fall color pictures at Bond wait until the middle of this week to late in the week. Bruce Crossing to Covington Jct is always a pleasant drive, spotty color from 40%-60% color. Always worth it to stop at Agate Falls Scenice Site for some views of color and waterfalls, take a walk on the trestle above the falls and you'll have awesome views for hundreds of yards.
---Northern UP - about 40-70% color---
UP in the Keweenaw things are starting to turn, the drive along Lake Superior on M26 Eagle River to Copper Harbor was starting to show more color around 40% overall. The views on Brockway Mtn Drive are always great but the color is around 40%, expect it to get closer to 60% by the end of the week. Lac La Belle area is looking good, the views from Mt. Bohemia are worth it, either hike up or take the chairlift rides this week and next week. The eastern side of the Keweenaw Peninsula is spotty color with around 50%. Interior areas along US41 from Hancock to Phoenix are around 50% color possibly more pockets with higher color concentration, the drive along Cliff drive is always a fun drive all fall. Areas around Calumet, Laurium, Traprock valley, Lake Linden, out to White city are seeing some good colors around 50% even up to 60%, less along the water, more interior more color. A fun drive is from Lake Linden to White City beach usually always some nice color along this stretch. The drive on M26 from Lake Linden to Hancock always has some beautiful reds and oranges, this year the colors are really popping well around 60% color along the roads. US41 from Houghton to Chassell is around 60% color. The drive from Chassell to Baraga is around 50% color especially close to Lake Superior. The L'Anse area about 60% is very nice right now along Skanee road, Arvon Rd. and into the Huron Mountains, the drive out to Big Ericks bridge was spectacular. Haven't made it up to Mt. Arvon yet but maybe this week to view the Keweenaw Peninsula from the top lookout. Also if you're in the area check out some waterfalls like Quarzite Falls or Slate River Falls. L'Anse to Covington Jct has really developed this week, there are nice pockets of good reds and orange, lots of yellows. Lake Plumbago in Alberta is always a nice spot to take pictures, the scene is wonderful, and of course you have to stop at Ogemaw Falls, Bacco Creek Falls, and the ever popular Canyon Falls, the colors are around 60-75% in this region. If you are driving from Houghton to Mass City you will notice nice color 60-70%, lots of reds, oranges, and yellows, some really nice pockets or reds in marshy areas before Twin Lakes and just after Twin Lakes. You will see good color through into Ontonagon county on M26 up until you reach Greenland, after that the color drops to about 50% color. If you are driving down Agate Beach road to Agate Beach or Misery Bay you will notice some good color especially right in Toivola, less as you get closer to Lake Superior. M38 to Baraga will be a nice drive this week, should start getting around 70% color, some areas have reached 70% but mostly about 60%. Take a drive to Prickett Resevoir, or Silver Mountain for some spectacular views.
---Central UP about 40-70% overall---
US41 from Covington Jct to Michigamme is around 70% color, as well as along M28 from Munising to Seney. While in the Munising area stop at any number of the waterfalls like Wagner Falls or Alger Falls.If you were going south on M95 from Humbolt to Sagola you will see about 60% color overall. County Roads 35 and 553 are good drives right now with around 50% color and even up to 60% in some areas. US41 from Harvey to Trenary has some very nice colors about 50-60% color on this stretch. While you are down near Trenary stop at Whitefish Falls. Taking a drive across M94 to Chatham is a very good drive right now lots of color, while your in the area stop at the number of falls like Au Train Falls or one of the tallest falls in the UP called Laughing Whitefish Falls. The Pictured Rocks interior is around 60% color and areas closer to the water are around 40-50% color.
---Eastern UP - about 30-50% ---
Grand Marais area is showing good color the drive around the forests will give some good shows but overall color is about 50% along the water a little more in the interior as you head closer to M28. The drive from Munising to Newberry is some of the best color in the UP right now especially on the Seney Stetch. A great place to stop is the Seney Wildlife Refuge while you're in the area. Areas from Grand Marais to Whitefish point is slowly changing, around 30-50% with pockets of greater color more interior though. Areas around Tahquamenon Falls aren't quite peak yet, give it until the beginning of next week to see peak, right now you're looking at about 30-50% in the area. The Southern area of the Eastern UP isn't progressing very fast, overall things along US2 at about 40%, after the cooler temps this week it could change quickly, so if you're driving up from downstate across US2 to the west don't expect to much color except for some pockets here and there until you get more central UP. The Sault Ste. Marie area is changing probably around 40% but less closer to Lake Superior. If you're in the area be sure to stop at Point Iriqouis Lighthouse or take a drive up to Mission Hill, this is a must stop and provides and awesome view, one not to be missed, you'll overlook Monocle Lake and Spetacle Lake and can see Lake Superior too. Mackinac Island is about 25% color right now, have you been to the Island, if you haven't you should go get yourself some of that fudge eh!
---Southern UP - about 40-50%---
Most areas in the southern UP have now changed into the 50% range, with areas near Lake Michigan closer to the 40% and perhaps some even less than 40% color. Most areas should see at least 50% by early this week and change into the 60-70% by the end of the weekend and early next week. Some nice drives in this area are on US2 from Manistique to Iron River. You could drive up US41 from Rapid River to Trenary that is a good drive. Take M35 north out of Gladstone to Gwinn and you'll see lots of color around 60% right now. Just outside of Bark River is Hwy 69 you could take that and see some nice colors. For some fall colors and waterfalls stop around the different dams along the Menominee river in the Kingsford and Iron Mountain area. If you are continuing north from the southern UP along US141 you will notice a lot of yellows but not much other color right now until you hit Covington. M95 from Sagola to Humbolt is about 60% color.
Week 10 - Oct 3rd - Oct 9th, 2016 - Upper Peninsula Fall Color Report. This will be the last color report of the fall season.
We are PEAK color in some areas of the UP, actually the majority of the UP is now PEAK color. There are still some areas along Lake Superior like areas in Copper Harbor or near Munising and Pictured Rocks that have yet to see full color. Just because the area is peak or past peak doesn't neccessarily mean the colors aren't beautiful, you will often run into areas especially off the backroads that have pockets of bright color still, you just have get out there and drive around, explore a little, get off the main highways that is boring. Go EXPLORE!
---Western UP - about 80%-PEAK color---
Hwy 519 is looking great, last week it was at 60%-80% color, this week it went peak color, if you're planning on driving this stretch of road do it asap. The Ontonagon area is now peak color, lots of yellow through the Lake Superior shoreline with some nice reds here and there but leaves are falling. While in the Porkies if you drive down South Boundary Rd. through the Porcupine Mountains you will see the interior is now 90% color and peak within a day or two, there still might be some good color in pockets around the park. At Lake of Clouds overlook you will see about 80-90% color along the ridges in the park, the more west you look the better the colors. Ironwood, Wakefield, Copper Peak, Black River Harbor area is mostly peak. Awesome views from Copper Peak and also from the top of Mt. Zion in Ironwood. If you want a workout and don't mind hiking, climb the area ski hills to see some nice colors. US2 to Iron River is showing some nice colors around 80%-peak color. The drive from Mass City to Watersmeet along Hwy 45 has some good colors just not a lot, good amount of yellows, spotty reds, and oranges. You must stop at Victoria Dam falls now, the colors are peak, the views are great in this wide open resevoir. This is your week for Bond Falls it is 90%-peak currently, if you wait till next week you will miss the best color. The drive on M28 has some nice color now about 80%-peak color. Must stops along this stretch are Agate Falls Scenice site and Tibbets falls (along the NCT). The closer you get to Covington Jct you will notice full peak color. Jumbo Falls is a nice stop too. Overall along this strecth of road you will have some good views and see some good color.
---Northern UP - about 80%-PEAK color---
Are you looking for color because this is a great week to be up here in the Northern UP. From the Huron Mountains to the Keweenaw the colors are popping. Copper Harbor may be your last chance of anywhere to see bright colors this week, all other areas in the Copper County have started to fade and reach peak color. Areas south of Copper Harbor are about 85%-PEAK color by the 10th-12th. Areas along Lake Superior either side of the Keweenaw may have areas still yet to reach 80%, expect peak in the entire Keweenaw county by the end of the week especially if cold nights come. Brockway mountain drive is amazing right now, get there now for the best colors! Also go up Mount Bohemia you won't regret the views, they will be memorable. A drive around to Bete Gris will be fun too. Cliff drive looks great right now but don't expect it to look that way after this week, the leaves are already starting to fall and fade. Areas around Calumet, Laurium, Traprock valley, Lake Linden, out to White city is Peak color but some areas as low as 80% but expect the entire area to be peak by the end of this week.
US41 from Houghton to Chassell is around 85% color, peak by mid week. The drive from Chassell to Baraga is around 80% color, close to Lake Superior. The L'Anse, Skanee, Herman, Huron Mountains area about 90% color, it was beautiful later in the week, the drive out to Big Ericks bridge was spectacular. Also if you're in the area check out some waterfalls like Quarzite Falls or Slate River Falls. L'Anse to Covington Jct has peaked earlier in the week last week, this week there may be a little color but most of the color is peak and lots of leaves have made their way off the trees already, this drive will not be spectacular this week. Lake Plumbago in Alberta is full peak color, still a chance for a few pictures here. Expect leaves to start falling by the end of the week. You have to stop at Ogemaw Falls, Bacco Creek Falls, and the ever popular Canyon Falls, the colors have mostly peaked and or past peak in this region. If you are driving from Houghton to Mass City you will notice a few areas with nice color still although this drive is now reached peak color. From Houghton/Ontonagon county line on M26 up until you reach Greenland, the color was around 85%-peak color. Agate Beach and Misery Bay have reached peak color or very close to it now, a walk down the beaches may show a little color still. M38 to Baraga has reached peak color maybe some areas with 80%-90% color but mostly peak. Take a drive to Prickett Resevoir, or hike up Silver Mountain for some spectacular views still from these vantage points.
---Central UP about 80%-PEAK overall---
US41 from Covington Jct to Michigamme is past peak. Some areas from Michigamme to Ishpeming still have some color remaining on the trees but lots of muted colors now. The Marquette area closer to the water still has some decent color now, the views from Hogsback and Sugarloaf are great currently, expect as the week goes on things to fade and the muted colors and leaves to start falling. Close to Lake Superior shoreline around Presque Isle is nice color. The view from Mount Marquette was great this week probably the best color is now past, there might be some remaining bright colors to be seen still, expect the views to always be good but less color as the week progresses.
From Harvey to Munising along M28 is reaching peak or past peak in most spots. Along M28 from Munising to Seney is past peak color. If you're in the Munising area stop at any number of the waterfalls like Wagner Falls or Alger Falls. If you were going south on M95 from Humbolt to Sagola you will see about 90%-peak color overall. County Roads 35 and 553 are good drives right with mostly peak color anywhere along here. US41 from Harvey to Trenary still has some very nice colors but mostly peaked now. While you are down near Trenary stop at Whitefish Falls. Taking a drive across M94 to Chatham is at peak color or minimum of 80% color, while your in the area stop at the number of falls like Au Train Falls or one of the tallest falls in the UP called Laughing Whitefish Falls. The Pictured Rocks interior is around 90% color, expect full peak this weekend.
---Eastern UP - about 50-90% ---
Grand Marais area is has now reached 80%-peak color. The drive from Munising to Newberry is past peak color. A great place to stop at if your driving through is the Seney Wildlife Refuge. Areas from Grand Marais to Whitefish point is around 80-90%. Areas around Tahquamenon Falls aren't quite peak yet probably by the end of the week maybe even into next week there still might be some nice color at the falls. The Southern area of the Eastern UP doesn't have to much nice color, so if you're driving up from downstate across US2 to the west don't expect to much color except for some pockets here and there. The Cut River bridge area there is usually some good color, so that might be a good stop for you. The Sault Ste. Marie area is changing probably around 80%. If you're in the area be sure to stop at Point Iriqouis Lighthouse or take a drive up to Mission Hill, this is a must stop and provides and awesome view, one not to be missed, you'll overlook Monocle Lake and Spetacle Lake and can see Lake Superior too. Mackinac Island is about 50-70% color right now. Expect peak into nex% week.
---Southern UP - about 40-50%---
Most areas in the southern UP are now 80-100%, with areas near Lake Michigan closer to the 80% color. Some nice drives in this area are on US2 from Manistique to Iron River. You could drive up US41 from Rapid River to Trenary that is a good drive. Take M35 north out of Gladstone to Gwinn and you'll see a little color still. Just outside of Bark River is Hwy 69 you could take that and see some nice colors. For some fall colors and waterfalls stop around the different dams along the Menominee river in the Kingsford and Iron Mountain area. If you are continuing north from the southern UP along US141 you will notice a lot of the color has become muted and same for US141 north to Covington. M95 from Sagola to Humbolt is about 90% color full peak by mid week.

Colors of tree leaves
Oak - red, brown, russet colorsAspen(Poplar) - goldish yellow colors
Dogwood - deep reddish purple colors
Beech (very little in the UP) - light tan color
Sugar maple - yellows, oranges and reds
Red maple - deep red like scarlet
Striped maple - about colorless
Birch - golden yellow